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    Clip Description

    Starring: Belle Fatale, Ryanne and Lexxi

    You know the mean kids in high school, the ones that played pranks on you, made fun of you even hurting you in many ways just for a laugh, all the while at your expense. Most mean kids go on to be slightly normal people if they make peace with their demons, but some just don't get it and will always be mean, shallow, and completely oblivious to others feelings. The same goes for some old high school beauty queens who were invited by one of their old class mates to brunch and to catch up on some juicy stuff from all the people they knew. Belle was the one girl who just wanted to please everyone, who was artsy, crafty, kitschy with all of her craft projects, and was genuinely a nice person. This made her an easy target also being the homely gangling nerd who hung out in the back row with the glasses, unnoticed unless she was upside down in a trash can, or stuck to a frozen flagpole. This brunch was special for her, she was going top finally make piece with herself and show them she did just fine and is beautiful just like they are. After brunch she invited them back for tea and to look at the old yearbook. As soon as the two still obviously mean and shallow girls get to her place they automatically start poking fun at her decor, crafty projects and quaint abode. She hoped that it would not be the same as it was but something struck a nerve and when she served them tea she used her own blend, one with a blend of powerful herbs that will make a person groggy and sleepy. Ryanne turned her nose up to it and asked to go to the bathroom because of all the mimosas. Lexxi drank her tea and made an underhanded comment about the taste and her kitchen set up. When Ryanne came back from the bathroom Belle led them to the sofa and plopped between them with the year book for Junior Year, because by Senior year Belle had to be institutionalized for her issues. Neither girl remembers as Belle goes through the yearbook pointing out pranks at her expense, some even leaving her hospitalized. The girls laugh it off and try to leave. belle says she needs to go to the restroom and she will get their stuff for them to leave. When she pretends to go to the bathroom she listens in and confirms that they are still mean, making fun of her then and now, making her hurt and want revenge. As they poke fun at her on the sofa Lexxi starts to act funny, getting light headed and tired. Ryanne looking concerned, more for herself than Lexxi, though she did not drink the tea, she tells Lexxi they need to leave but Lexxi starts to pass out when Belle comes around the corner with a handkerchief behind her back asking what is wrong. As she pretends to care she gets behind Ryanne and plants the chloroform kerchief over her nose and mouth making Ryanne bounce and fight but Belle keeps her contained. Ryanne struggles hard for a while, trying to get away but her movements get weaker and her eyes roll back in her head as she slows and eventually goes limp. Lexxi drugged from the tea starts to stir a bit and Belle refolds the cloth and administers it to her too Lexxi getting a bit of energy to fight some but not with any intensity, she tries to buck and kick and open her eyes but they are all weak., soon Lexxi is out and chloroformed too. A bit later after moving some stuff around to make more room, Belle takes some time to check out the two sexy mean girls and slowly undress them. She flops them around going back and forth talking to them here and there like they are coherent and friends. Belle is completely nuts but totally justified.After getting them naked she does herself too, then plays with them touching her crotch with their hands and kissing them and touching them. After getting them set up she wants to take some pics to add to her reunion yearbook, so she takes selfies with the chloroformed babes. As she is getting her last shot she tells them to say something for a smile word and Ryanne repeats it under her breath starting to come to. Belle knows it's time and grabs a silk stocking from the sofa cushion, she is prepared and gets behind Ryanne, getting the stocking around her neck like a pro before the girl can even realize what hit her and she is off to the races, kicking and bucking, slapping at Belle as she comes out of her sleepy stupor. Belle looks in her eyes as she fights her by pulling tightly on the garotte while she taunts her. Ryanne turns beet red and her tongue swells, her eyes are bloodshot as the hose digs into her neck. Ryannes toes curl and flex showing off her sexy feet and painted toes. As she dies Belle looks at her telling Ryanne to look at her in the eyes. Ryanne dies looking at Belle, no remorse from belle, no reply from Ryanne. Belle leaves the sexy dead redhead on top of her for a moment, trying to get positioned to see her face and her tits. Belle slides her down to her ass on the floor and tilts her head back and forth lolling it as Lexxi starts to wake up from her dose. Right as Lexxi's eyes open Belle is breaking Ryanne's neck so fast it scares her awake and she crawls fast toward the front door but Belle slowly gets up, grabs the stocking from Ryanne's neck and walks to get Lexxi getting to her right in the nick of time. She loops the garotte around Lexxis neck and pulls back so hard Lexxi flips around to the other way, getting pulled and crab crawling to by where Ryanne is, as the two struggle, Belle gets control but not before Lexxi reaches and flips Ryanne over to see her eyes open and dead. Her eyes go wide with terror and she tries to fight but all the built up years of angst and aggression in Belle is coming to a head. She finally gets Lexxi in a good position and gets to tightening hard, making Lexxi's tongue poke out and her mouth open wide. She kicks and bucks her bare pussy in the air going hard for a while until she starts to wind down. Belle doesn't let up until she is sure Lexxi is limp and dead, then she wants to make sure more and grabs Lexxi's head, breaking her neck and catching her limp body. Belle has other plans but first she needs to get cleaned up. She looks over the bodies and tells them she will see them in a minute to do more....

    WOW OH MY! Great stuff from all of these gals. wow. I am blown away by acting and action. Thanks! CB

    Run Time: 31:20 minutes
    File Size: 775 MB Format: .MP4

    Clip Duration:      31 minutes
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File Size: 289 MB 	Format: .WMV

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